What is Integrated Pest Management?
IPM is about using all the tools available to us to control. IPM has long been used by commercial farmers, but can also be used to improve home garden pest control! By using a thoughtful approach to managing pests, we can eliminate poisons and achieve a balanced garden.
IPM consists of three components: (1) cultural controls (2) biological controls and (3) chemical controls. The best way to think of IPM is working with nature to control pests. Sometimes with natural systems, we need to help get the balance right, but over the longer term the need for such help should get less and less.
IPM also requires a shift in attitude and accepting some damage. This does not mean a pest eaten garden, but it does mean accepting that a few pests are a good thing! IPM should not be considered a ‘quick fix’!
Cultural Controls for the Garden
The most important part of successful pest management is to understand your garden. Every minute in the garden is an opportunity to undertake some pest management by simply observing what is happening. The majority of insects in the garden are ‘neutral’! If you see insects in the garden, but no damage then there is no need to act.
Examples of cultural control include:
- Plant a mix of flowering plants to attract good bugs
- Use plants that are resistant to pests
- Design the garden to avoid problems
- Maintain good air flow, suitable plantings, and a range of different habitats for bugs
- Start clean and stay clean” – buy good quality plants and inputs
- Remove pest infested plants immediately
- Maintain good soil and plant health – a healthy plant will resist pest attacks
Biological Control Options
Biological control refers to the use of control agents that are themselves living. The ones we normally think of are predators like ladybirds and lacewings. However, it also includes jumbo predators like spiders, birds, lizards & frogs, as well as minute creatures such as parasitic wasps, nematodes, and even fungi. Many of these occur naturally, and only require a bit of cultural management to encourage them to thrive and work for you.
Chemicals are a last resort!
IPM recognises that sometimes a pesticide may be needed to manage a serious problem. It is important to understand all the impacts of using a particular pesticide, and whether it may well make the problem worse. Choose a ‘soft’ pesticide that targets the problem. An example is to use an oil spray that targets stationary pests such as scale insects or aphids, but allows predators such as ladybirds to move away from the spray area.
Getting Started
All you need to get started with IPM is the right information and attitude!
A magnifying glass is also useful to see what is going on. It is also a good idea to keep a record of when you see problems, what worked and didn’t work, and any other useful information.